Did you know that inflammation is the common link between such debilitating conditions as Alzheimer’s, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis? Did you know inflammation is thought to be the culprit behind the visible signs of aging? Inflammation is a wellness buzz-word these days, and for good reason. If you reduce inflammation in your body, you'll not only look and feel younger, but you'll significantly lower your risk for chronic disease.
Refined wheat flours have been stripped of their slow digesting fiber and nutrients, which means your body can break down the foods made from this ingredient very quickly. The more quickly your body digests glucose-containing foods, like these carbs, the faster your blood sugar levels can spike, which also spikes your insulin levels—a compound associated with a pro-inflammatory response.
Red Meat
Because cattle, chicken, and pigs didn't evolve on a grain-fed diet, many producers have to load up their animals with antibiotics. These drugs not only keep the animals from getting diseases in cramped feedlots or getting sick from their unnatural diet, but they also help them (and us) gain weight faster. This means we're eating meats that are higher in inflammatory saturated fats, have greater levels of inflammatory omega-6s from the corn and soy diet, and our body thinks it's in a constant state of attack due to ingesting leftover levels of antibiotics and hormones. Even worse, when we grill meat at high temperatures, it creates inflammatory carcinogens.
A moderate intake of yogurt can help decrease inflammation with its gut-healing probiotics, but dairy is also a source of inflammation-inducing saturated fats. On top of that, studies have connected full-fat dairy with disrupting our gut microbiome, actually decreasing levels of our good gut bacteria, which are key players in reducing inflammation. If you feel particularly bloated after a few blocks of cheese, you might consider cutting dairy from your diet.
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