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Top 4 Vacation Activities

Top 4 Vacation Activities

Unique and Functional Fitness While Away

Trying to stay fit while on vacation doesn’t necessarily mean hunting down a local gym or runners’ route.  Check out these unique, fun and functional options to staying on track even while away.


Laughing - not only does this boost your endorphins (the feel-good hormones), but it’s also great for engaging your abdominals and diaphragm.

Swimming - low impact, high cardio fitness that you can do in any pool or ocean is a great way to stay fit during the summer. You don’t have to do laps, you just have to get in the water and tread while having a meaningful conversation with your vacation mate!

Exploring - when you explore new locations and walk for hours, you are seeing the sights and getting in your workout. Bring a map!

Sleeping - You need sleep to recover. Most people are not getting enough sleep, so on holiday, allow yourself to sleep in. Rest and relaxation are part of your fitness program!

Virtual Training and Yoga

Want to keep your fitness at optimal levels while on vacation? Book a virtual training session!

Click here for more info, a free consultation, and to book!

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